I was lucky enough to win the prize for physics and the maths prize at school in this years prize giving and with this comes £10 for each prize to buy a book each. So I started the book hunt by finding various different recommended reading lists and then by trawling though pages and pages of books from amazon and waterstones. In the end I had a lot more than than just 2 books but the problem was, the first time this has ever been a problem rather than a positive, they were all less than £10! In the end I bought 6 books...
The first was 'the universe in a nutshell' because Steven Hawkins seems to be statutory reading for physics students and it looks like a good book to receive as a prize. I hope that I read it all before it becomes a chore but that seems increasingly unlucky as my pile of articles and magazines increases...
The second was for the maths prize 'Does God Play Dice', I chose it partly because it is by Ian Stewart and also because it is about chaos theory which is quite physicsy. It will probably be a good idea to have read this by the time I get to any interviews, that and have finished Fermats Last Theorem considering how much I talk about how much I love maths!
And then I really didn't have to buy anymore books but this one was far too tempting! It was recommend to me years ago when I used to go to gifted and talented lectures on Saturday mornings in London. It was only £2.00 so it would have been stupid not to really! Its all about dimensions, all the reviews said how good it is and it's only 99 pages! I really can't wait for this to arrive, I think I'll read this one first!
All the websites I read recommended the Richard Feynmen lectures so I really had to buy one and since wave particle duality is something that makes my head spin I decided to try this one first! I'm really looking forward to this one too!
Of course I didn't buy 6 books all for myself so this next one is for my nerdy physics buddy since its her birthday next week! I hope she likes it but I'm pretty sure she will because really who couldn't, its got to be awesome right?!
And the last book is for my friend for Christmas even though its months away but her name is Alex and she's applying to do maths and university so I couldn't resist!
I'll let you know how it goes!