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Tuesday, 6 December 2011

How to use a Brian Cox Mask

I've be seriously reconsidering giving this Brian mask as part of a Christmas present. And no, that's not just because I want to keep it myself!! Its just that its a little bit weird... And I wonder if it will really have any use? So I've made a list of what you can do with the mask:

  1. Put it on the Christmas Tree
  2. Jump out at people whilst wearing it (ignore the fact that jumping out on people is always hilarious even without the mask...)
  3. 'Dream of being a particle physicist' - haha, the credit for this one has to go to these guys!
  4. Join Professor Brian Cox Appreciation Society like this one
  5. Wear it to get backstage to see Simon Singh (giving it to her for Christmas may be a little too late...)
  6. Wear it on the back of your head, drink unicorn blood and hunt down the philosophers stone to find Brian a new body
  7. Make someone else wear it and rehearse what you would say to Brian if you met him for real - honestly its better to be over prepared for these things, you don't want to totally freeze...
  8. Hang it up in your room so people thing your obsessed with Brian cox so as to hide your real obsession of Nikola Tesla (maybe that one is too specific...)
  9. Use it as a catapult
  10. Play with it for up to 5 minuets after you open it then just put it in a drawer somewhere and forget about it....