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Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Teacher Tales

After half a week last week school is back into full swing and I feel super busy most of the time but in a good way I think!

In chemistry we have started a topic which involves an awful lot of biology. I am the only one in my class that didn't do AS biology and my teacher finds it necessary to mention this fact every 2 seconds in class! I can't really complain as she is doing a wonderful job of explaining things to me really carefully so I understand it all but nevertheless I was standing by the lockers moaning about it to my friend and was mortified to discover my teacher had walked right behind me! Luckily she finds enjoyment in my discomfort and embarrassment so has continued to make jokes about it just to see how red my face can go! I promise to never talk about anyone ever again...

I had my new physics teacher again today! After telling us that particle physicists make everything up just to keep themselves in a job (something I found considerably more funny than my friend who loves particle physics!) he said that 'education is just the dimishment of deception' and I really love this definition. It is especially relevent since last year I felt as though, what with wave particle duality and so on, that what we were learning really was changing how I saw the world.


  1. Biochemistry?
    It's so nice to see a blog filled with physic-ness :P

  2. erm, yea I guess it is bio chemistry! Its all about proteins and stuff?

    Thanks, thats really nice to hear :)
