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Saturday 24 March 2012

Next Obsession

So its, pretty much official now. I am obsessed with the Big Bang Theory. I realise I am probably a little late with this one, embarrassingly late considering the name of the show, but its better this way because now my brother has the boxset I get to watch like 6 a day! Just kidding, I only did that once... And now I'm only allowed to watch a maximum of 3 at one time.

Its basically about these 3 physicists and an engineer and a waitress, Penny, who are all friends even though one of them, Raj, can't talk to girls unless he is drunk and Howard is super creepy and Sheldon is kind of annoying so I don't really know why Penny hangs out with them all the time when she doesn't even know that she like likes Leonard for a long time... Sorry! I'm just a little bit too involved with it all. Basically its super funny even when you don't understand half of the super long words that they use! Its delightfully nerdy and makes me feel completely normal!

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