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Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Packing dilemas

Packing for uni has proven to be quite a challenge. I've been doing it bit by bit for the last couple of weeks and the stuff is really starting to pile up. There are so many different lists on the Internet of things you will need but I'm still afraid that there's something important I've missed. I am quite aware of the space restrictions both in transportation and when I actually arrive. I'm wondering if I've picked the right kind of accommodation but it's all done now.

One of the things I had to be really strict on was how many book I can bring... I have no idea how much free time I will have and what I will use it doing but just to be save I decided on three fiction and three non-fiction. After reading the first chapter of each to check that they weren't a waste of a choice! I'll be back in November so I can swap over then if need be. The three non-fiction books are: Alex's adventures in Numberland, Fermats last theorem (still not finished...) and QED (also unfinished...). Then I packed 2 physics and 2 chemistry revision guides. I don't have any Maths textbooks but I'm thinking that could've been useful... I've forgotten quite a bit!

I had fun the other day sorting out all my stationary! It's one of the few ways that I can start to feel prepared for whats to come I guess


  1. I hope the stationary is physics related!

  2. Oh no... I hate to disappiont you... My folders match though?
