I'm getting into some awful blog habits! Firstly I've become a sort of mind blogger so instead of posting on here I just post in my head and then if I only keep things in my head they get lost forever! Blogging has also slipped down my list of things to do, so much so that it rarely even makes the shortlist nowadays. I have several half written drafts waiting to be finished but I don't think I can ever just stop writing completely...
So the point of this post is to break a trend and write on a weekday! And also because I've had the weirdest couple of days!
Yesterday morning was the Physics aptitude test and I don't feel too brilliant about how I did to be honest... But then it was supposed to be difficult and it was so maybe thats the only way it could be. And honestly it was exciting not to know what to do and to have to try and figure it out! It just wasnt quite as fun when I couldn't...
Then I went to Ilford in the afternoon for a session with an oxford recruitment employee. We only found out about it the day before so it all felt a bit crazy! But we got there in the end, with the use of the GPS on my phone. Actually I havent said yet (welll I have talked about it a lot in real life...) but I got a new phone for my birthday and I absolutely love it! Firstly GPS is a-maz-ing!! It's so impressive, and slightly scary, that my phone can find my location so fast and then give me directions to wherever I want to go, track my location and change the route in real time. Wow... I'll research how it works later, I haven't finished going through the day yet! The session was quite good. I was expecting a mock interview or to be given some practical tips but I suppose that was asking for too much really. However it was very reassuring and dispelled some of the rumours I had heard and although it all seems a little premature as none of us have even been called to interveiw yet it is quite comforting to do something to prepare.
And then I went to a Jessie J concert!!! It was a birthday present from my cousin since I turned 18 last week, I have half a post about that waiting to be finished... And I know what your thinking, your thinking 'oh my goodness Jessie J has nothing to do with Physics!' but I'm afraid you're wrong! Actually I've thought this through and have two links. Firstly the pyrotechnics were amazing! There were lights everywhere, smoke machines, fireworks, confetti and balloons. Maybe I'll reaserch that all a bit more later... And secondly, just before one of the songs Jessie had this whole speech about following your dreams and not changing who you are so I decided I'm a physicist and thats what I'll be, nerdy quirks in awkward social situations and all!
So then today was hard work since I never go out on a school night, let alone to a concert getting back at midnight! But I managed to get through it without collapsing on the floor dramatically with my hand stretched out, using my last breath to beg for coffee so I'm feeling a little more confident about how welll I can deal with sleep deprivation during the uni years!
I got the 2 most recent issues of the Physics review at lunch so I spent my next free reading though them which was really fun actually! There were a few bits about things we had done in class which were nice because it made me feel smart that I knew what they were talking about! And then There was an article about Nikola tesla on the back page which of course I found extremely interesting! There was also an article about physics blogs (I've got to confess to having a mini daydream involving my blog being written about in a magazine...) and they recommended
this blog which I've just read through a few posts from and it is really brilliant! Its pitched at the perfect level and is about physics in the news which is always great! I've also learnt why spherical icecubes are the best which I think will come in handy as an icebreaker at some kind of social science event!
Then this evening when I got home there was a letter waiting for me. It was from Nottingham and had a first class stamp on it so I ripped it open and was hugely relieved to find a letter saying that they would like to offer me a place and will have an informal meeting with me in January to decide what the conditions of my offer will be! I hadn't relised quite how much the worry of having no offers was weighing down on me but I feel so much lighter now!
Now I'm going to get ready and go to bed because I really can't run the risk of causing a coffee induced scene tomorrow as well! It's a shame though becasue my lava lamp only just warmed up properly... Goodnight!