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Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Christmas Time!! almost...

So yet again my challenge of making a blog post every day for a month has failed... I will at least meet my previous best with this post, so here we go!

So I guess it's not quite allowed yet since it is still November but hey, I'm in a christmassy mood and no one can stop me! I found this wonderful article which considers the different ways that Santa could deliver all those presents to children. Of course we could never presume to think we are as smart as Santa so we will never know for sure but it is still an interesting concept to think about. I was especially impressed by the theory of contracting and expanding space time around you so as to get around the earth in time. However I have to disagree with the assumptions made within the first paragraph as not everybody in the world celebrates Christmas. I also dislike the idea of reindeer burning up due to the heat caused by friction from travelling at extreme speeds...

This is my new favourite Christmas song! They are some new nerdy lyrics to the Christmas wonderland song, theres a backing track on the original website so you can sing along:

Steel balls drop, they're in motion, why they fall, not a notion.
But thanks to New-ton, its all lots of fun, learning in a physics wonderland.
Gone away is the Chem-stry, here to stay is the mys-try.
Dynamics at play, the knowledge will stay, learning in a physics wonderland.
In the labroom we will build with LEGO, making cars that run by grav-i-ty.
Accelerating masses, we can time them, and find their vert-i-cal vel-oc-ity.
Later on, we will rewrite, to keep our grades from dropping outta sight.

To face unafraid the grades that we made, learning in a physics wonderland!!

 I've also changed my mind on Secret Santa presnts! I am about to order this book instead! I'll use the snow at some point... And I made a Brian mask since my family have strong principles on paying postage for internet shopping!

Ps Still no news from Oxford...

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