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Thursday, 17 November 2011

Maths Fail Number One....

Yesterday I went to a maths competition run by the further maths network. It was the regional round (which sounds very grand but there have been no previous rounds!) and my teacher had to drive us to a school in Billericay which again meant missing two physics lessons and using the GPS on my new phone to get us there!

It was a team challenge of two year 13's and two year 12's. In the first round we had to share 10 problems between the 4 of us and we had 40 minutes but they were so long and complicated we barely got anything resembling an answer for them all! The second round was a mathematical crossword which was really fun and a little less stressed. We scored quite well in that but it wasn't enough to make up for the monstrosities that occurred in the 3rd relay round! I still cringe when I remember expanding every factorial and ending up with a humongous answer rather than just simplifying in the first place.... Anyway in the end we came 14th out of 19 schools which isn't completely awful I suppose but top 10 would at least have meant we could proudly return to school... We had a teacher supervising us from another school and he said we were lovely so that made it slightly better! I'd rather be stupid and lovely than stupid and not lovely... I did genuinely enjoy the challenge and the cheese, gammon and pickle sandwich so it wasn't a complete waste!

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