Just when you think that nothing else could possibly happen, disaster strikes. It all started before my Physics resit. Just before we go in I have the sudden realisation that the calculator I hold in my hand has a lid. You aren't allowed to have calculator lid in an exam. This is a rule that I have previously overlooked and in these previous instances I have handed the lid into an invigilator who are always available and willing to return such items and so these situations have passed without issue.
However in this instance the nerves of the exam got to me. This gave me a mild case of verbal diarrhoea and an exaggerated sense of panic. So pre-examination when I exclaimed 'Oh no, I still have my calculator lid' with an expression of sincere concern on my face, it was only natural for my teacher to offer to take the illegal item from my hands. I didn't want to give it to her. I knew it was a bad idea and that there was a high probability that I would never see this item again. And yet.... I gave it to her. I don't know, maybe I was embarrassed by the situation. Or maybe it was the high volume of knowledge stored in my short term memory store that clouded my judgement but I handed her that calculator lid and I have since regretted my actions in that moment on many occasions.
I tried several times to reclaim my lid but there was always a class and then on the last possible opportunity, on the day of my last exam I saw my teacher. She said quite nonchantly that my lid was still awaiting my collection and so I went to the classroom. I went there and my lid was nowhere to be found. Then I went to the staff room and to find my teacher. And, well... She was nowhere to be found. I'm not saying that she kidnapped my calculator lid, fled the scene of the crime and is keeping my lid for an undetermined period of time. I'm not saying that. I'm just saying that I can't say that that isn't definitely not what happened. I'm just saying.
Now I am faced with the a dilemma before me. Do I email my teacher asking her to kindly bring my calculator lid to prom and return it to its rightful owner or do I leave it. I am quite certain my bag is large enough but should I move on with my life and pretend it doesn't matter to me? But no, how can I!? How can I go on with my keys unprotected? My calculator could turn itslef on at any point in my bag... It isn't solar powered, that could lead to some serious battery lossage... I'm pretty sure that counts as calculator abuse and she could be taken away from me. No, I have to send that email, it is decided.
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