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Thursday, 31 May 2012

Penguins Passing

So, I've been revising and I'm sorry that all of my posts seem to start like that at the moment but you have to realise that is pretty much all I do at the moment. And yes, I realise that my starting every post this way I sound incredibly defencive as though I actually just spend all of my study leave watching YouTube and playing just dance... And apparently blogging even though I said I wouldn't. But, hey I guess today is just your lucky day!

So anyway I've been revising and since penguins are pretty much all I can draw (ha ha, I still think I can draw them no matter how much people laugh at them...) every time an animal appears in a diagram, I penguin substitute. It seemed a pretty good idea at first, you know a penguin on a swing, a penguin on a Ferris wheel, the penguin was having fun, I was having fun and everything seemed great. Until recently this week... Things rook a turn for the worst and unfortunately the penguin was put in some uncomfortable situations...

In Chemistry I penguin substituted the cow in the nutrients cycle:

(in case you can't see clearly/read my awful handwriting, yes that poor penguin is excreting...)
And then today in my physics revision about radiocarbon entering living things:
So it looks like I can't penguin substitute again...

Okay, so maybe acting like a drawing of a penguin would have a finite lifespan and feel emotions such as embarrassment makes me seem a little crazy but seriously this is what revision does to you! I haven't seen my friends in so long that they are about to get penguin substituted too...

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