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Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Super Hero back up plan for when I fail my exams...

So I'm revising for my Physics Alevel and there's a chapter about particle accelerators but I'm currently up to the bit about magnetic fields, in particular Flemings left hand rule. This is a trick that you can use to find either the direction of the current, the field or the force produced assuming that you know the other two, basically you do this with your fingers.
So I was practising and felt a bit like Spiderman and I suddenly realised, imagine if it were exactly like Spiderman! Well, not exactly, shooting web is kind of stupid but what about a Spiderman Magneto cross? Like I could produce a magnetic field in my hand my thumb would shoot beams of magnetic force? I've been revising since 8.30am so by this point any valid excuse for a break is party time. So I got to thinking and trust me you might think this is a lame idea right away but the more you think about it the more awesome it becomes!

I'm thinking a super hero name of 'Flemingo' (cause its Flemings left hand rule, get it??) and I wear pink like a Flamingo. Still working on a catch phrase... May the force be with you? Oh wait is that already taken? Oh...

Anyway, you may think this is a slightly rubbish power but there is where you are wrong my friend! I made a list to prove it to you:
  1. Dodge bullets (Matilda and the Carrot style)
  2. Open cans
  3. Get free drinks from vending machines (hey I don't have to use my powers for good)
  4. Rob banks (but only from old pennies that are still magnetic)
  5. Catch bad guys (like by pulling their cars back)
  6. Beach comb (better than a metal detector)
  7. Recycle (see I'll do my bit and make up for those drinks)
  8. Deflect asteroids (this one is my favourite!)
Well, I guess the hand on the hip isn't compulsory... And I know what you are thinking, 'Are you sure you really want this power? With great power comes great responsibility. What if you can't control it? What if the bad guys all insult you and make jokes behind your back saying that you are repulsive (like a repulsive force, get it???)? worryworryworrybuzzkillworryworry'. Well to you I say, get your own catch phrase, when do you ever accidental put your fingers in a position that uncomfortable and finally - you're face is repulsive. BAM.

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