I was chatting to my friend the other day about how communications have changed. I forgot than when I first made friends with her 8 years ago, I hardly spoke to her outside of school at all. I had a pay as you go sim card and only a shared family computer at home. And now I have a laptop, an Ipod touch, a mobile phone with unlimited texts and I have several conversations with people everyday. And that seems normal to me.
And then I wondered where we will be in 8 years time. I mean I know I personally will be on a beach somewhere having my third holiday of the year, playing around with some formulas, with my husband who also got a Nobel prize for our work in some obscure field of physics. Ok now I'm singing 'I wanna do maths on the beach' Vengaboys remix... Where was I going with this?
What I think I meant was, where technology and knowledge will be by then. I also worry about the state of the world but that always feels very far out of my hands. Maybe one day I will be amazing but right now I just feel very ordinary. And so I wonder what an ordinary life will be like and what will seem normal by that point.
Usually the unknown scares me but right now I'm just excited.
It's easy to see how things I learn in nanophysics lectures will affect things like data storage but then the implications of that are huge. Saving weight in space crafts means you can go further. Smaller components means you can investigate deeper into the body. Custom made materials can get very science fictiony and the possibilities are endless. And my excitement over this just makes module choosing very difficult, I was supposed to be a medical physicist...
Then today I found this website which is very sleek and looks at different aspects of life and where they are headed. There's a post on data collection which is interesting because obviously I know it happens, its obvious what with personalised adverts and targetting tesco vouchers but I didn't realise terrorism task forces actually checked up on suspicious searches.I really like this website.
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