The things I enjoyed:
- I got like 90 something percent overall (that's involving fortnightly coursework and an end of year class test)
- I had friends in the workshop on a Monday afternoon which was a lovely break from lectures
- There's a moment of anticipation in the break between writing a code and running it where you are hoping beyond hope it works and sometimes it does and you can be all smug and proud of yourself
- Sometimes I got it and my friends didn't. I mean I'm not competitive and we always helped each other but when you feel dumb in all your other modules, starting new like everyone else and doing alright is encouraging
- Being friends with the guy who lost 50% on his coursework because his friend thought it would be funny to put a picture of a nude man eating grapes at the bottom of his code before he submitted and not tell him. He was right, it was funny
- Asking MatLab 'why?' and then finding out that Math students weren't told about that quirk and knowing I made the right degree choice
Things I hated:
- There's a moment of anticipation in the break between writing a code and running it where you are hoping beyond hope it works and sometimes it doesn't and you have literally no idea why
- It's the night before handing in coursework and you're going out in a couple of hours so really shouldn't leave it to finish in the morning because you'll be tired but you've spent hours and hours rerunning code and you just have no idea. Then you see you read the question wrong all along and fix it in 2 seconds but you can't even be pleased it's fixed you're so fed up with it.
- Thinking you get it and then talking to friends who are writing fractal programmes and Ipod Apps...
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