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Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Physics Blunders

So a years worth of social interaction, there are bound to be plenty of embarrassing stories from that right? Although I did have the sudden realisation at some point this year than no matter how awkward I feel or how much social anxiety I get there are lots of people who are much much worse. Where to begin?

This one makes me cringe the most. There was a competition to build a device to transport an egg as far as you could in a team of 10. So precompetition I made a few group message faux pas but nothing too serious. Then there's the awkwardness of two members of the group liking each other but not liking them and both telling me all about it like I have the faintest clue what either of them are actually thinking. But that's nothing compared to getting up in front of everyone with this pathetic cart with a driving system that acted as a break and the only reason we didn't go backwards was that gravity just so happened to be on our side. If one of the carts hadn't caught fire I'm pretty sure we would have come last. And to be the only group using fire, I think we know who the real winner was. That said we had a cape on our egg. 

I went on nearly every physics social but the barcrawl I wore the 'Particle Physics Gives Me a Hadron' to was something special. The only other night that tshirt made it out was as a forfeit for one of my block friends. It was an interscience social so I got tricked into a whipped cream competition in the name of physics... I also had a few awkward encounters with a chemist who didn't deal well with rejection and ran to the next bar away from a love struck physicist who I spoke to once before but who somehow knew I was perfect in every way... The playzone social was sober and a lot easier to handle! There was a Christmas barcrawl that I predrank for and so have the excuse to not quite recall all the embarrassing things I said on that one. But I made it home with an inflatable guitar so there's something to be proud of that night.

Then there was that second year who asked me out on a date, I hesitated and he said 'you can say no if you want' but apparently that wasn't a genuine escape clause and he was surprised when all I said was 'no'. But that was quite early on in the year, I like to think I would react nicer now... However I really thought my comebacks were getting better until a vaguely attractive guy tries to banter me and I just freeze over and squeak... 

Oh there was this other time that me and Charlotte were crying with laughter at something she found on facebook in a lecture. The lecturer stopped the lecture and told the girl in the scarf to be quiet or she would be thrown out at the speed of light and everyone laughed. I wasn't wearing a scarf but I was dying of embarrassment and so all my friends text me to laugh at me again, as only true friends do.

Thinking predrinks was the time to play the physics playlist on my laptop. Turns out there really never is a group of people to share that with!

I still don't know if lab guy genuinely thinks I'm a complete idiot or just really enjoys sarcasm. Either way his impression of me when I bumped into him on a night out was ridiculously far off, I have never asked him how electricity works in a high pitch voice thankyou very much. That said there have been plenty of embarrassing moments in labs such as not being able to find the on off button, getting lost on the way back from the taps, trying to blag my way through the verbal explanation marks and backing myself into a corner.

I feel like there would be more to add to this list if I wasn't so comfortable around with my physics friends that anything particularly silly I do they just laugh and tell me about the time it happened to them.

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